Polish Printmaking


WROCŁAWSKA SZKOŁA GRAFIKI / The Wrocław School of Printmaking - Wystawa w Knoxville, USA

Wrocławska Szkoła Grafiki

Wrocławska Szkoła Grafiki to tytuł wystawy, która prezentowana będzie w trzech galeriach: The Pieńków Galery w Knoxville (Tennessee), The Rowe Galery w Charlotte (Noth Karolina), oraz w Koscielak Galery w Chicago (Illinois).
Wystawa prezentuje prace artystów związanych z wrocławską ASP. Zasadniczą jej część stanowią prace wykładowców Katedry Grafiki Warsztatowej. Ich reprodukcje oraz biografie autorów znalazły się w drugiej części katalogu. Część pierwsza publikacji jest natomiast efektem refleksji, towarzyszącej przygotowaniu wystawy. Autorzy zamieszczonych w niej tekstów: Andrzej Kostołowski – krytyk i teoretyk sztuki oraz prof. Andrzej Basaj – artysta grafik, jeden z czołowych twórców Wrocławskiej Szkoły Grafiki, spróbowali spojrzeć na nią w szerszym kontekście, jako na zjawisko, na które od ponad 60 lat składają się dokonania wielu wyjątkowych osobowości.

Red. Dorota Miłkowska

The Wroclaw School of Printmaking from Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, Poland is going to be exhibited in Pienkow Art Gallery (Knoxville, TN USA) in April, 2009.

A relatively short, not longer than 60-year-old history of the Wrocław School of Printmaking occured within the Polish School of Poster, the great world-famous phenomenon, which was created by, among others, such artists from Wroclaw, as Jan Jaromir Aleksiun, Jan Sawka, Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz or Jerzy Czerniawski.

The crystal-clear character of the artistic printmaking of this community was reinforced by another phenomenon of Polish printmaking of the 1960s, Jozef Gielniak, who became a sort of a natural patron. He was discovered and guided by the then rector of the State Higher College of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, Prof. Stanisław Dawski.

The workshop excellence and figuration are two constant, characteristic features rooted in the Wrocław School of Printmaking. The full range of various printmaking techniques, from the traditional ones, like copper plate, represented at this exhibition by a master of the genre, Prof. E. Get-Stankiewicz, drypoint by Prof. Anna Janusz-Strzyz, mezzotint executed by Prof. Christopher Nowicki, lithography on stone by Prof. Paweł Frackiewicz and ass. tutor Anna Trojanowska, etchings with aquatint by Prof. Przemysław Tyszkiewicz, linocuts by ass. Professor Małgorzata Warlikowska, Katerina Zubakhina and Mariusz Gorzelak, to the contemporary digital prints by the doyen of the Wroclaw printmaking, Prof. Andrzej Basaj, as well as the monumental drawings by the current Rector of the Academy in Wroclaw, Prof. Jacek Szewczyk, are bound together by a clamp of the workshop perfection. Figuration as a feature which evidently characterizes this school is brought about by the intention to communicate with the viewer. It often draws him to an interactive encounter, directing at him truculent exclamations, aggressive in form, taking contrastive tones, on other occasions inviting to its own playground, its own street, introducing to neighbours, showing down-to-earth matters constructed out of every-day objects. Or intimately pulling the viewer into the meanders of individual imagination, opening him to experience new, different worlds. However, this is the result of the tradition, where an image exists in an interactive space and functions in the public reality.

Competitiveness with regard to discovering and finding out new forms as well as perfecting the workshop best serves the idea of bringing the dialogue to a higher and higher level. That is why figuration which is the leading feature of the Wrocław School of Printmaking starts to be expressed through so individual phenomena that these perfect modifications lead directly to authentic abstraction.

prof. Przemysław Tyszkiewicz

Wystawa w Knoxville jest organizowana dzięki finansowemu wsparciu / The exhibition is financially supported by:
Marek Maria Pieńkowski Foundation
74117 Kingston Pike, Suite 101
Knoxville, TN 37919, USA

Prezentacja odbywać się będzie w / The show will be held in:
The Pienkow Gallery in Knoxville

The University of North Carolina in Charlotte, Department of Art and Art History – Rowe Gallery

Koscielak Gallery

Patronat honorowy nad wystawą objął Ambasador USA w Polsce Victor Ashe / Honorary patronage of the exhibition offered by the Ambassador of U.S.A. in Poland Victor Ashe

Partnerem projektu jest / Partner of the projest is:
College of Arts & Sciences School of Art at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Wystawie towarzyszy katalog (projekt - Łukasz Paluch)
  • 06.04.2009