Polish Printmaking


Peeter Allik SOLUTIONS

Peeter Allik Solutions

Peeter Allik

Dear Friends of Art & Graphics!

After the very successful weekend of the open studios in Moabit, in Manière Noire - Printmaking Studio and Gallery, on the 6th of October is opening the next exhibition.

I am flattered to cordially invite you to the show of the Estonian artist Peeter Allik. It will be possible not only to enjoy the masterpieces of Mr. Allik, but also meet the Artist in person, as he will be present for this special event.
Your coming will honour me!

Please save the date!!!

When? Thursday 06.10.2011 at 7 p.m.

Where? Waldenser Strasse 7a, 10551 Berlin
(U9 Turmstrasse or TXL bus direction Tegel Airport.)

Please support us by coming and by sharing this e-mail with your friends.

Best Regards,
Majla Zeneli
  • 01.10.2011